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The Little Brown Girls

The Low Down Blues Remix w/Smooth Cool Jazz

The Remix -"Cool Smooth Sounds of Musartry"

How to Read

Musartry is a blended combination of music, art, and poetry. The sounds of music that you are about to hear originated primarily in New Orleans, Louisiana in the African- American community in 1804, and since then it has crossed over into every genre of music that you can imagine. The author has mixed her original poetry to coincide with cool arts and the smooth sounds of legendary musicians. Musartry is a slide show where the viewer can click with the mouse and scroll and stroll through the gallery at their leisure while enjoying the sounds of music by clicking on the music icon. At the end of the presentation, the viewer will discover the genre of music (if they have not already guessed) that has stood the test of time and remained a major force of musical expression and is one of the United States’ greatest distribution to the world.

"Cool Sounds" by TAS

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